Ladies First!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Today's HERstory figure is Philiis Wheatley. (b. circa 1754 d. 1784). Born in Gambia, and brought over to America around the age of 8 or 9, with no record of her previous name or day of birth. Her slave owners dubbed her with the name Phillis which was the ship she was held on until she reached America. Moving to the Wheatleys' plantation, the Wheatleys shunned asid e the fact that they were slave owners and let Phillis earn a education with thier daughter who was around the same as Phillis. They encouraged her to go forth with her poetry. When she was just twelve years of age, she published her poetry.Slave turned poet Phillis Wheatley became the first African American female to publish a book and support herself with writing. All happening before America formly existed.

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